Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I got the swag and it's pumpin' out my ovaries

Betch you ain't no Barbie, I see you work at Arbys
Number two, Super Size, hurry up I'm starving.
Kreayshawn, (Cray-shawn, or Cree-ay-tion?) However you pronounce her name, this tiny, stylin' white girl can spit words hard. All over your face. She is now the 2011 MTV VMA Best New Artist Nominee and I can see why. Not only does she write her own raps, but she directs and edits her videos along with many other artists. She is currently working with The Red Hot Chili Peppers on a new video. Get get it girrrrl. I am looking forward to hearing her next singles, that's fo' show.

I'm hooked up to my morning IV drip, coffee: black, one pack of Splenda. I woke up with the cramp cramp CRAMPS this morning... Aunt Flow made her visit early this month. She wasn't welcome and I cannot wait until she packs her bitchy bags and leaves. She makes me borderline Bipolar and all I want to do is eat chocolate when she's around. For example:

Help me!
Buddha Brie

You can see why I call her little Buddha, I love that chunky Buddha belly.
Currently listening to Ni Hao, Kai-lan in the background while Bella, aka Bear ( she likes to growl like a bear on the reg) plays in the living room and Buddha swings away into her LaLaLand for a couple hours until she's ready to scream at me. 'Chop chop Mummy, I'm starving over here, and I left you a big present in my poop sack. Now make it all better Woman!'
I spoke too soon, Princess Buddha needs me.
Super mommy to the rescue!

Bella BEAR
Mommy's little helper, she loves helping me clean, pick out clothes for her and Buddha, and gets a kick out of throwing away her sister's diapers in the trash can. She wanted me to take a picture of her too, this is her "Cheese" face, simply adorable. :)
One stinky load down so far today and Princess Buddha is a happy camper again.
This is her, "Thanks Mommy, I'm sure you wouldn't like to sit in your crap either" face.
That is all for now.

One big room.
Full of bad betches.

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